I've got your writing sample right here. It's right here, where you cannot use it as your own work. It's already published, and it probably does not contain your keywords.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic, and this isn't really a sample that I use for clients. I'm trying to help other freelance writers avoid potential scams. As I've stated many times before, I've been in this online content game for a lot of years, and I've figured it all out.
I can understand a potential clients need to see a sample of your writing before he or she hires you or accepts your bid. However, I will never write and submit a writing sample to a client, based on their keywords, unless it is something that I've already published. That is the only way that I have to protect myself and my work from scams where the 'buyer' really isn't interested in buying anything at all.
On sites where there is a good record kept of my work history and ratings, like vWorker or iWriter, I don't need to provide any writing sample what-so-ever. Those buyers can easily just look at my work history. If they still ask for a writing sample, I become suspicious, and I direct them here for samples of my writing. If that isn't enough of a sample for them, I no longer want their job.
If you are asked for a writing sample, direct the potential client to work that is already published by you - with your name on it. Do not direct them to work you have done for other clients - especially if you did ghostwriting for that client. Do not send them work that you have done for another client either. That is unethical, and I avoid potential clients who specifically ask to see work that I've done for past clients.
If you are sitting there reading this right now, and thinking ''I don't have any published samples,'' then you should immediately stop reading, set up a free blog, a squidoo lens, or a hubpage, and start writing. These can - and do - serve as writing samples for potential clients!
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